Timeout 50 best gay movies

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Hey, at least you don’t have as much to kick yourself over as Blockbuster does, seeing that they turned down a chance to buy Netflix in 2000.įrom before-their-time brilliance to sign-of-the-time classics, these films have stood out as some of the most memorable titles of the 2000s. Regardless of how many fashion faux pas you made, or how much you invested into alt-rock CDs that are now obsolete, it’s important to let yourself revisit those years with the forgiving knowledge that you were doing your best. And, that many of us are shocked to remember is now two decades ago. It was the cringe era that is now dripping with sweet naivety. Sure, the decade might have started off with a bit too much residual denim and iridescence left over from the '90s, but by the time 2009 rolled around we were longing to go back to the days of Brangelina and *NSYNC. Of course, then again, everything looks better when it’s in hindsight and bedazzled.

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It s natural for people under 16 to have thoughts and feelings around sex, especially when you are going through puberty, but that doesn t change the law. This includes sexual intercourse of all kinds and oral sex (sucking or licking private parts).

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Maybe it’s just nostalgia talking, but, looking back, the noughties were actually pretty nice. In the UK, someone has to be 16 or older to have sex.

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