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If there's an episode that aired in Japan, but wasn't dubbed in English must be tagged with spoilers now. And also, keep your titles spoiler free as well.ĭon't repost content or make a very identical post that was posted here in the past 90 days.

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Spamming will result having your posts/comments being removed. Constantly doing it might result in a ban. Near Hentai: November 2015 Famosos desnudos Gay Pokemon PoRn Palcomix Mega Evolution Leafs Journey To Kalos porn comics Harem pokemon porn Pokemon Porn. Any links to some YouTube channel or videos that you are self-promoting will be removed. While shipping is allowed, there's a limit of making only one shipping post per 2 weeks. Yaoi Anime, Gay Movie and Doujinshi Online. POKEMON GAY PORN GOH MOVIEĪlso, don't make a post that will likely lead to a ship war.ĭon't ask questions that has already been answered or asked commonly in this subreddit.

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MyReadingManga is completely free - paid for by advertisers, purely for. Don't ask any inappropriate questions as well. There'll be a quality control in this sub where making a low-effort post will likely lead to a removal. So please, put some effort into your post.

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