Jack simmons gay black porn star

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1999 Grabby Awards winner of Best Ethnic Performer.1997 Gay Erotic Video Awards nominee for Humanitarian.Titanmen's 'Jacked Up' in two intense group scenes.Centaur Film's 'Hotter Than Hell' with Dax Kelly and Rip Stone.Vivad Man's 'Deputy Dick' with Dereck Bishop and Rainey Foster.Titanmen's 'Spy Quest 2' with Troy Gamaun.Stuffed, Jacked Up, Tourist Trade and Spy Quest 2 are just a few of the films that had Jack holding his own against some of Titan's biggest talent. However, Jack is best known for his films with Titan Men. Jack has starred in numerous films for studios like Jocks and All Worlds. Jack is credited for directing Corporate Ladder (Steam Worx, 1998). Recognized for his ability to get as good as he gives, Jack is one of the best known black porn performers in the industry thanks to his long career acting in over 90 pornography titles. Although he has often tried to be deep throat, you will more likely see him gagged upon. He is a gay porn performer and director who got his start in the fast paced world of porn as a hard pounding top.

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Jack Simmons, also known as Dion Rucker, John Henry, Buck Stradlin or Buck Stallion has had a long and prolific career in the industry.

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